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Get more customers smartly!

Statistics have shown that in every market, roughly 3% of people are interested in doing business with your right now. About 17% of the people are still in the mode of gathering more information before making their final decision. Approximately 20% of the people know they need some form of help but they are not showing enough commitment to solve their problem and about 60% of the people in any given market are not even aware they have a problem you can solve.

1. Start looking at the conversations you have

There’s a HIGH likelihood you are talking to the 37% that is Problem Aware and Gathering Information, but you are constantly looking for ways to squeeze in ‘Buy Now’ sector.

2. Use strategic messaging to enter the conversation that is already occurring in their mind.

This part is super simple;

If they’re problem aware, create specific awareness on the problem (go deep on this). If they’re information gathering, help them gather good, relevant information

3. Develop seven content pieces as touch points relative to the LMF

On average, our future customers need seven touch points before they buy – if all seven of those are telling them to buy now, they’re not going to actually make it through. They won’t even start!

Not only have you lost the sale due too much selling, but you will lose all the sales they would have brought with them across their lifecycle (and referrals).

On average, our future customers need seven touch points before they buy – if all seven of those are telling them to buy now, they’re not going to actually make it through. They won’t even start!

So its important to rather focus your marketing on all aspects of your potential clients cycle and understand that most of them are not ready to ‘buy now’. They want to be wooed, taken out on a few dates, maybe have their car door opened before they decide to do business with you.

Education and information are key to converting potentials customers into purchasing customers. To reach the 97% who aren’t ready to buy now (but could be very soon), you have to educate them.

Contact us to reach even more customers.

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